Captain & Crew Check-lists
Fishing Charter Check-List
1. Check for Special Requests
2. Load Drinks
3. Load Ice
4. Load Fishing Gear
- Rods & Reels
- Lures
- Bait
- Scale
- Shock Leaders
- Snap Swivels
- Gaffs
- Trolling weights (leds)
- Fighting Belts/Butts
- Clear Plastic Bags
- Knives
- Crimp Kit
- Fish Club
- Brain Spike
5. Load Lures & Bait
6. Check Engine Oil
7. Check Fuel
8. Check Fresh Water Supply
9. Check Toiletries
10. Check Radio & Sat phone
Water Taxi Check-List
1. Check for Special Requests
2. Clear In and Out
3. Load drinks
4. Load ice
5. Check Engine oil
6. Check Fuel
7. Check for Luggage space
8. Check Fresh Water Supply
9. Check for Ponchos
Island Hopping Check-List
1. Check for Special Requests
2. Load drinks
3. Load ice
4. Load Snorkeling Equipment
5. Check Engine oil
6. Check Fuel
7. Check Fresh Water Supply
8. Check for Noodles
9. Check for Ponchos
End of Day Check-List
1. Fuel up boat
2. Check dock lines and cables for chafing or rubbing
3. Connect/Check shore power
4. Remove food & trash
5. Remove fishing/snorkel gear
6. Clean boat with soap
7. Clean snorkel/fish gear & lures
8. Clean coolers/ fish boxes
9. Clean head and toilet
10. Fill fresh water supply
11. Shamy electronics
12. Check bilge for leaks
13. Turn off battery switches
14. Apply covers
15. Report problems/issues